Healing Stones – Part 2: Targeted Cancer Therapy

How do you get a nano-robot to target and kill just cancer cells but leave healthy cells alone? Think like a suicide bomber: Carry a concealed mass killing weapon like a bomb, Act and look like you belong, Get into the enemy’s site, and Blow it up. Nanotechnology for medicine does not necessarily mean robotic machinery. On the nanometer scale, the mechanism is more like … Continue reading Healing Stones – Part 2: Targeted Cancer Therapy

Healing Stones – Part 1: Bio-Nano-Robots to the Rescue

I just got back from the doctor for a cybernetic implant tune-up.  She got on my case for going beyond the six month recommended tune-up cycle.  I also haven’t been taking the prescribed minerals the nano-factories need to spit out the little doctors. Tsk tsk. What? You haven’t heard about little doctors? (Yes, this is fictional.) How about nanites? No? What century are you living in, the 21st?  OK, I’ll explain.  … Continue reading Healing Stones – Part 1: Bio-Nano-Robots to the Rescue


Created by Boston Dynamics, Cheetah is now the fastest legged robot on the planet.  The video below was released by DARPA today. OK.  So it looks like it’s running backwards, but a top speed of 18 mph is pretty good.  It doesn’t match a cheetah’s 70 mph, but it could probably outrun you.  The fastest human currently on record, Usain St. Leo Bolt, a Jamaican … Continue reading iCheetah